вторник, 6 января 2009 г.
Medical starvation for the sake of growing thin
All of us heard about such phenomenon as starvation. Usually starvation apply for the purpose of clarification of an organism or to preventive maintenance of diseases. And whether it is possible to starve and thus to grow thin? Let's understand.At starvation the organism includes reserve forces and begins work on destruction of pathological adjournment. Tselljulitnye adjournment, adjournment of salts, slags, toxic products of an exchange – all it is exposed to deducing from an organism. As a result the organism is released from unnecessary «the stale substances» and slags, отяжеляющих our body. Therefore the weight of the person gradually decreases.
The most safe way of starvation considers a method based on an exception of single food intake – a supper. Simply refuse a supper and do not eat after 16 hours. If you late rise and late lay down, of course, you exclude food intake after 18 or 19 hours. The main thing that the interval between last food intake and the following made 14 hours. At first you, probably, will feel discomfort, and to feel hungry, but it is not necessary to give in to an impulse to eat something, soon you will get used, and will feel perfectly. After all the energy spent by an organism on digestion and mastering of food, will be directed now on deducing of toxic substances and slags, on updating of cages and restoration of a natural metabolism.
There is a number of techniques on one-day, three-day, five-day starvation. At one-day starvation having rummaged in meal makes from a supper of one day till a following supper. For the night it is necessary to take a shower, all next day to drink Without gases small drinks. Before a supper of next day to drink 100-150 ml of juice, for a supper to eat a potato or porridge without oil, vegetables, fruit. At three-day starvation every day to drink water (about 2 litres). The exit from starvation should be soft within 3 days. The first day it is necessary to drink only juice. Two next days eat porridge or a potato without oil, vegetables and fruit are obligatory.
Five-day starvation differs from the previous two exit from starvation. The exit from starvation is carried out within 4 days. The first day juice, at the first reception juice should be dissolved by water in a parity 1:1. Other three days food intake should be, as well as at three-day starvation. At such reasonable starvation you will manage to reduce fatty adjournment, and, besides, to raise immunity, to lower fatigue. We will notice also that after 21 years development of the important hormone of growth starts to decrease, and by an old age almost comes to naught. Therefore there is a fatigue increase, ageing of muscles, decrease in a sexual potentiality. Hunger stimulates manufacture of a hormone of growth.
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