вторник, 6 января 2009 г.

As stars grow thin

Harmonous and well-groomed celebrated personalities whom we constantly see on the telescreen, have ceased to be for a long time already a rarity. And for anybody not a secret that such attractive appearance and a harmonous figure gets to stars very hard. Always to be in shape it always it is necessary to constrain itself in meal, constantly to load the organism with physical activities, daily campaigns to cosmeticians and dieticians.But each star chooses the way, for example, Britney Spears, Rene Zelveger and Jennifer Eniston prefer to grow thin on system of doctor Atkinsa. This system adheres to main principle: the considerable quantity of carbohydrates in food leads to plentiful allocation of a hormone of insulin which causes feeling of hunger, and as consequence, the constant feeling of hunger leads to a set of superfluous kgs. The diet on this system limits carbohydrates from 15 to 60 гр carbohydrates in the day, thus growing thin permissibly there is a bread, pasta, fruit, but thus there are no restrictions on fibers and fats.As a result of such diet, supervising level of carbohydrates, you can change a metabolism which will stimulate weight change. Apply also the specific diets concerning east culture. Thanks to such diet the ideal figure was found by Kate Winslet. At drawing up of a personal diet experts take for a basis of a time and a line of the person.The diet developed by university professor Nikollasom Perrikone many celebrated personalities, such as adhere, to Jennifer Lopez, Heidi Klum and Kim Ketroll. Such three-day diet is based that some products are capable to detain water in an organism, and others on the contrary, allow to save up it. Products of fast preparation, such as the pizza, hamburgers and other meal such cause puffiness and serious problems with a skin, therefore the author urgently recommends to refuse them. We will notice that recently was accepted to a diet which basis is salty the cabbage.Affirms that such diet leads losses to three kg for three days. Other, favourite stars a diet, is the method of Montinjaku which Kylie Minogue has helped. The Major principle of such approach is the following – «not important how many you eat, the main thing – what exactly». This way is described in the well-known book of the French writer under the name «I eat, means, I grow thin». The author of the book offers not to count up a calorie which to contain in your diet, and mainly to concentrate on the maintenance of glucose and their combination. Such system of a separate food which for today is very popular, allows to avoid wearisome hunger, the organism quickly enough gets used to such mode, and results are obviously enough expressed and long.
And here the Madonna and Sandra Bullock have dared to a rigid "zone" diet at which it is necessary to adhere to a diet with the low maintenance carbons. The developer of this diet is doctor Sears who asserts that regulating insulin it is possible to reach excellent results in struggle against excess weight. Its diet is considered one of the most difficult, its diet includes 40 % of fiber, 30 % of carbohydrates and 30 % of fats. The founder of this diet also assures that the food used by us is an original drug for an organism thanks to which in it insulin is allocated. One more favourite diet is «The South Beach Diet» which recommends to refuse "bad" food (potato chips, sweets) and more to trust the organism in a choice of "good carbohydrates» (vegetables, fruit, grain). At the heart of this diet the principle lies: The more the weight of the person, the above risk of that at an organism will appear resistibility to insulin, and it can lead to occurrence of superfluous kgs.
Such diet promotes fast mastering of carbohydrates, and accordingly weight losses. It is interesting that the ardent admirer of this diet is Nicole Kidman. The specific diet based on cabbage soup which allows is used also will get rid of slags and toxins in an organism. Also thus it is necessary to refuse sacchariferous and dairy products, жаренного and to eat thus fruit and vegetables. The supporter of such diet is Sara Michel Gellar. Among stars the diet consisting of crude products, including meat is not less popular. In general to choose is from what. But it is not necessary to forget that a diet it is not always good, after all in any changes is positive and negative sides. And besides, chubby girls now in a fashion.


The bulimia is a mental frustration at which behind an uncontrollable gluttony, follows is artificial the caused vomiting or any other cleaning procedures. Sometimes this illness and name – a syndrome of a gluttony with the subsequent clarification of a stomach. At the heart of disease the extreme concern in meal expressed in frequent conversations on weight, calories and constant fear to recover lies.On the one hand the patient not in a condition to satisfy the irrepressible appetite, and with another makes all possible efforts to get rid of the eaten. Bulimia trouble consists also that it is difficult for defining. If sick it is possible to allocate with an anorexia somehow in crowd the weight sick of a bulimia usually keeps within norm though considerable deviations from norm and are not excluded. Besides, sick of a bulimia are ashamed of the excessive appetite and try not to gorge on in public – this fact only complicates process of recognition of illness.
Among bulimia symptoms it is possible to allocate:
1. The Sense of guilt for eaten
2. Depression
3. Absence of self-checking
4. Too strict self-criticism
5. Aspiration of patients that associates always approved their acts
6. Absence of objective judgements about norm of the weight
7. These are symptoms of the usual bulimia proceeding not in the heavy form. At a heavy bulimia urgent hospitalisation, and signs at it more obvious and serious is necessary:
8. Strong fluctuation of weight of a body (to 10кг)
9. Loss of a teeth
10. A constant pain and weariness in muscles
11. Swelling околоушной glands
12. Constant irritation in a throat During bad attacks patients will sweep away literally everything that see, and such "feasts" can happen from two to forty times a month. Eat very quickly and much, having thus a feeling of absence of self-checking - cannot stop and cease to eat even if want. After similar meals there comes a bitter regret, patients catch at any means on organism clarification – laxatives, enemas, a call of vomiting, hunger-strike, sports overloads.

The bulimia happens two types. In the first case of the patient abuses measures on organism clarification, and in the second starves or goes in for sports. The second type sometimes name the second stage of an anorexia – these illnesses are really very similar, but the anorexia is easier for establishing, bulimia signs are not so obvious. Disease treatment is based on definition and reorganisation of wrong cogitative models in consciousness of the patient, change of psychological installations and opinions which are at the bottom of gluttony or hunger-strike attacks. Therapy helps the patient to become is more self-assured, to raise a self-estimation. Rather effective way in struggle against a bulimia is family therapy when members of a family try to eliminate the factors influencing the patient. Group therapy when recovering and treated patients communicate among themselves is applied also, impart experience and tell about how they managed to cope with illness. Stories about the successes strengthen recovering, increase a self-trust and, simultaneously, are an example for imitation other participants of group.
Among medicines which are applied to bulimia treatment, can be both preparations of the general and calming influence, and energizers.

Medical starvation for the sake of growing thin

All of us heard about such phenomenon as starvation. Usually starvation apply for the purpose of clarification of an organism or to preventive maintenance of diseases. And whether it is possible to starve and thus to grow thin? Let's understand.At starvation the organism includes reserve forces and begins work on destruction of pathological adjournment. Tselljulitnye adjournment, adjournment of salts, slags, toxic products of an exchange – all it is exposed to deducing from an organism. As a result the organism is released from unnecessary «the stale substances» and slags, отяжеляющих our body. Therefore the weight of the person gradually decreases.
The most safe way of starvation considers a method based on an exception of single food intake – a supper. Simply refuse a supper and do not eat after 16 hours. If you late rise and late lay down, of course, you exclude food intake after 18 or 19 hours. The main thing that the interval between last food intake and the following made 14 hours. At first you, probably, will feel discomfort, and to feel hungry, but it is not necessary to give in to an impulse to eat something, soon you will get used, and will feel perfectly. After all the energy spent by an organism on digestion and mastering of food, will be directed now on deducing of toxic substances and slags, on updating of cages and restoration of a natural metabolism.
There is a number of techniques on one-day, three-day, five-day starvation. At one-day starvation having rummaged in meal makes from a supper of one day till a following supper. For the night it is necessary to take a shower, all next day to drink Without gases small drinks. Before a supper of next day to drink 100-150 ml of juice, for a supper to eat a potato or porridge without oil, vegetables, fruit. At three-day starvation every day to drink water (about 2 litres). The exit from starvation should be soft within 3 days. The first day it is necessary to drink only juice. Two next days eat porridge or a potato without oil, vegetables and fruit are obligatory.
Five-day starvation differs from the previous two exit from starvation. The exit from starvation is carried out within 4 days. The first day juice, at the first reception juice should be dissolved by water in a parity 1:1. Other three days food intake should be, as well as at three-day starvation. At such reasonable starvation you will manage to reduce fatty adjournment, and, besides, to raise immunity, to lower fatigue. We will notice also that after 21 years development of the important hormone of growth starts to decrease, and by an old age almost comes to naught. Therefore there is a fatigue increase, ageing of muscles, decrease in a sexual potentiality. Hunger stimulates manufacture of a hormone of growth.


The aspiration to be thin left for a long time already for all admissible limits, aspiring to imitate the star idols and the imposed images, young girls even more often become victims of an anorexia – mental frustration at which the desire to grow thin begins pathological, and the fear before adiposity passes in a paranoia. There is this disease basically at girls (to 95 %) at the age from 14 till 19 years, often happen models which are compelled to keep the shape because of work are subject to it. The anorexia is more and more creeping away illness – only in Great Britain for last 40 years the quantity of the ill women has trebled. Many are inclined to opinion that so prompt development of this illness is caused by influence of the western mass-media, however has been found out that among the diseased it is a lot of and the inhabitants of the East who do not have access to the western way of life, even to mass-media.
or the people, suffering an anorexia is characteristic to achieve loss of weight or restriction of in a food, rigid diets and excessive physical activities, or carrying out of various procedures on stomach washing,It is caused vomiting directly after food intake. Abnormality of an anorexia consists also that the girl at growth 175см and weight 50кг can consider itself awfully thick, that is there is no ability objectively to estimate the appearance, illness as though pulls out the victim from a society, зацикливает the patient on a problem of own leanness. It is not necessary to underestimate this illness. First, it you will not get off simply so, and secondly, the anorexia can lead to a lethal outcome – at it the highest mortality percentage among psychological diseases. But difficult disposal from anarexia would not be what, it is real, and the treatment earlier will begin, the better, therefore address for medical aid at once as soon as will feel the slightest symptoms of this frustration. At an anorexia it is a lot of symptoms, also they are shown early enough. Among the basic symptoms it is possible to allocate the following:
* Panic horror at one only thoughts on possibility to recover
* Fast loss of weight, frequently without the objective reasons
* Constant sensation of the completeness, especially, if acquaintances assert that it not so
* the Bad dream
* the Sense of guilt at food intake
* the Aspiration is standing, to split up meal for small slices
* Depression concerning "completeness"
* Not Calling a weight minimum
* Infringement The monthlycycle

Among anorexia signs can be and such as unhealthy pallor of a skin, sensation of a cold, the muscular spasms, the raised irritability, sensitivity, attacks of unreasonable anger, constant aspiration to talk about modern diets and ways to grow thin and other.

To treat an anorexia it is better at early stages, therefore at the slightest signs of disease it is necessary to address to the psychiatrist. Unequivocal treatment is not present, it should be appointed individually, proceeding from a present condition of the patient and degree of neglect of illness. Besides, one of conditions of treatment from illness is also psychological support of the diseased in the form of individual and family support.First of all doctors appoint the preparations used for treatment of shared problems with health. As sick of an anorexia suffer from depression in treatment energizers are used also, and action of tranquilizers бензодиазелинов promotes overcoming of uneasiness at patients. At women the anorexia can provoke a condition close to early monthlycycle pause, this problem is treated with the help Hormone herapies. If disease is not too started, treatment can be carried out directly in-home, hospitalisation is necessary only in extreme cases, such, as weight reduction of the patient to 15 % of its ideal weight.

Anorexia nervosa

Frustration of food behaviour get the size of present epidemic, especially among young girls, aspiring to imitate the star idols. A nervous anorexia - heavy complex disease about which, unfortunately, it is known not all. For an anorexia there is nobody to blame. The anorexia at all does not mean that parents have incorrectly brought up the child. Cultural, genetic and personal factors closely co-operate with life events that creates a fertile field for occurrence and development of frustration of food behaviour of psychological character. In анокресии there is nothing pleasant. Many people keeping to wearisome diets, precipitately declare that dream to be ill with an anorexia. They see only obvious display of this illness - excessive leanness, however do not notice all danger of this "fashionable" disease. Sick of an anorexia at all are not proud of the ideal figure and do not feel unimaginably fine; If you talk to such person, learn about it a lot of new - for example that the girl which weight makes 55 kgs at growth metre eighty, considers itself thick, unattractive and not stylish. Sick of an anorexia suffer from not for a moment not releasing feeling of own imperfection, they are frightened and driven into a corner by the fears.
From an anorexia it is simple so you will not get off, it not that disease which reminds of itself of once a month. The consciousness sick of an anorexia does not belong to them, they cannot supervise the feelings. Such people are literally afflicted with thoughts on weight, meal, superfluous calories and an image of own body. Illness torments many even in the sleep - they are pursued by nightmares, persuasive dreams about meal and a food. And in the sleep poor sufferers and sufferers continue to consider calories and to be horrified from 100 typed grammes. The anorexia - awful illness which pulls out the victim from a normal life and dooms her to loneliness. The anorexia very difficultly gives in to treatment. Sometimes on struggle against it the whole years leave.