вторник, 6 января 2009 г.
The bulimia is a mental frustration at which behind an uncontrollable gluttony, follows is artificial the caused vomiting or any other cleaning procedures. Sometimes this illness and name – a syndrome of a gluttony with the subsequent clarification of a stomach. At the heart of disease the extreme concern in meal expressed in frequent conversations on weight, calories and constant fear to recover lies.On the one hand the patient not in a condition to satisfy the irrepressible appetite, and with another makes all possible efforts to get rid of the eaten. Bulimia trouble consists also that it is difficult for defining. If sick it is possible to allocate with an anorexia somehow in crowd the weight sick of a bulimia usually keeps within norm though considerable deviations from norm and are not excluded. Besides, sick of a bulimia are ashamed of the excessive appetite and try not to gorge on in public – this fact only complicates process of recognition of illness.
Among bulimia symptoms it is possible to allocate:
1. The Sense of guilt for eaten
2. Depression
3. Absence of self-checking
4. Too strict self-criticism
5. Aspiration of patients that associates always approved their acts
6. Absence of objective judgements about norm of the weight
7. These are symptoms of the usual bulimia proceeding not in the heavy form. At a heavy bulimia urgent hospitalisation, and signs at it more obvious and serious is necessary:
8. Strong fluctuation of weight of a body (to 10кг)
9. Loss of a teeth
10. A constant pain and weariness in muscles
11. Swelling околоушной glands
12. Constant irritation in a throat During bad attacks patients will sweep away literally everything that see, and such "feasts" can happen from two to forty times a month. Eat very quickly and much, having thus a feeling of absence of self-checking - cannot stop and cease to eat even if want. After similar meals there comes a bitter regret, patients catch at any means on organism clarification – laxatives, enemas, a call of vomiting, hunger-strike, sports overloads.
The bulimia happens two types. In the first case of the patient abuses measures on organism clarification, and in the second starves or goes in for sports. The second type sometimes name the second stage of an anorexia – these illnesses are really very similar, but the anorexia is easier for establishing, bulimia signs are not so obvious. Disease treatment is based on definition and reorganisation of wrong cogitative models in consciousness of the patient, change of psychological installations and opinions which are at the bottom of gluttony or hunger-strike attacks. Therapy helps the patient to become is more self-assured, to raise a self-estimation. Rather effective way in struggle against a bulimia is family therapy when members of a family try to eliminate the factors influencing the patient. Group therapy when recovering and treated patients communicate among themselves is applied also, impart experience and tell about how they managed to cope with illness. Stories about the successes strengthen recovering, increase a self-trust and, simultaneously, are an example for imitation other participants of group.
Among medicines which are applied to bulimia treatment, can be both preparations of the general and calming influence, and energizers.
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