вторник, 6 января 2009 г.


The aspiration to be thin left for a long time already for all admissible limits, aspiring to imitate the star idols and the imposed images, young girls even more often become victims of an anorexia – mental frustration at which the desire to grow thin begins pathological, and the fear before adiposity passes in a paranoia. There is this disease basically at girls (to 95 %) at the age from 14 till 19 years, often happen models which are compelled to keep the shape because of work are subject to it. The anorexia is more and more creeping away illness – only in Great Britain for last 40 years the quantity of the ill women has trebled. Many are inclined to opinion that so prompt development of this illness is caused by influence of the western mass-media, however has been found out that among the diseased it is a lot of and the inhabitants of the East who do not have access to the western way of life, even to mass-media.
or the people, suffering an anorexia is characteristic to achieve loss of weight or restriction of in a food, rigid diets and excessive physical activities, or carrying out of various procedures on stomach washing,It is caused vomiting directly after food intake. Abnormality of an anorexia consists also that the girl at growth 175см and weight 50кг can consider itself awfully thick, that is there is no ability objectively to estimate the appearance, illness as though pulls out the victim from a society, зацикливает the patient on a problem of own leanness. It is not necessary to underestimate this illness. First, it you will not get off simply so, and secondly, the anorexia can lead to a lethal outcome – at it the highest mortality percentage among psychological diseases. But difficult disposal from anarexia would not be what, it is real, and the treatment earlier will begin, the better, therefore address for medical aid at once as soon as will feel the slightest symptoms of this frustration. At an anorexia it is a lot of symptoms, also they are shown early enough. Among the basic symptoms it is possible to allocate the following:
* Panic horror at one only thoughts on possibility to recover
* Fast loss of weight, frequently without the objective reasons
* Constant sensation of the completeness, especially, if acquaintances assert that it not so
* the Bad dream
* the Sense of guilt at food intake
* the Aspiration is standing, to split up meal for small slices
* Depression concerning "completeness"
* Not Calling a weight minimum
* Infringement The monthlycycle

Among anorexia signs can be and such as unhealthy pallor of a skin, sensation of a cold, the muscular spasms, the raised irritability, sensitivity, attacks of unreasonable anger, constant aspiration to talk about modern diets and ways to grow thin and other.

To treat an anorexia it is better at early stages, therefore at the slightest signs of disease it is necessary to address to the psychiatrist. Unequivocal treatment is not present, it should be appointed individually, proceeding from a present condition of the patient and degree of neglect of illness. Besides, one of conditions of treatment from illness is also psychological support of the diseased in the form of individual and family support.First of all doctors appoint the preparations used for treatment of shared problems with health. As sick of an anorexia suffer from depression in treatment energizers are used also, and action of tranquilizers бензодиазелинов promotes overcoming of uneasiness at patients. At women the anorexia can provoke a condition close to early monthlycycle pause, this problem is treated with the help Hormone herapies. If disease is not too started, treatment can be carried out directly in-home, hospitalisation is necessary only in extreme cases, such, as weight reduction of the patient to 15 % of its ideal weight.

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